Wednesday, May 18, 2011

On happiness and GDP

Samuel Brittan, a columnist at the Financial Times, has an interesting take on the issue of happiness and the role of economic growth. Worth reading. Conclusions below:

What then is the alternative? It might come as an anti-climax; but I still think it is the choice utilitarian one of maximising the range of opportunities open to each individual. And I see the task of policy largely in negative terms; to remove obstacles to the exercise of individual choice rather than lots of fussy interventions on our behalf. But I must be frank and say that even such negative policies involve in my view a degree of income transfer towards the poor and less fortunate, which not everyone in this audience might welcome.

For about three quarters of the world's population a measure of success will still be real GDP per head, corrected for the worst absurdities, and supplemented by a few simple social indicators. But for the more affluent populations of North America and western Europe, economic growth in this sense is no longer a sensible objective of policy. It is much better that the growth rate should emerge from peoples own choices. So it would not be a disaster if after the recent traumatic events Americans adopted a quieter lifestyle with more emphasis on leisure and reflection, and working to live rather than living to work.

We should not throw out the baby with the bath water. GDP statistics will still remain useful for economic management and for looking at the way the national product is divided between different activities and different groups. Information on these matters should not take us along the road to serfdom. Indeed I have heard American friends observe that the social scientists who have been least tempted by collectivism are those who have the most detailed knowledge of the relevant facts and figures.

My conclusion is that the pursuit of happiness is and should remain a personal matter; and the people most likely to achieve this are not those who keep on asking themselves whether they are happy or unhappy, but who find worthwhile purposes and activities and concentrate on them. By all means make use of attitude surveys and similar devices; but let us do so first and foremost to satisfy our curiosity and not imagine that we have found the magic lodestar which has eluded thinkers of the past.

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